It's coming up on Independence Day so what are we doing Podcast wise this coming week? Let's see...
Friday - Henshin Up Max Week 7
It's Super Sentai week and we're doing Engine Sentai Go Onger with reviews of Episodes 1 to 5, the first movie and Go Onger vs. Shinkenger the Movie.
Next week is going to be an off week for a once in three week cast then we bounce back in two weeks with Henshin Up Max Week 8 (drawing to the close of Phase 2).
Saturday - Gaming Max Week 7
Doubling up casts so that each week has one once in three weeks cast going for it. This week it's all Mario with reviews for Mario Party, Mario Kart and Super Mario Galaxy both the original and 2010 sequel.
Sunday - Game On Max Week 1
Opening week and we'll be reviewing Harvest Moon Tree of Tranquility, Farmville and FAmily Feud for Facebook, Buzz! on the PSP and Advance Wars on Game Boy Advance.
Cast is coming up to 2/3rds done, only one more cast to finish up and then plowing straight on into Week 8's casts (but word on what's with Week 8 and it's third week cast will be on Sunday, stay tuned for more info).
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